Flight Operations
The Flight Operations inspection division is established to ensure that certain responsibilities of the Director of CASAS for the safety of commercial air transport are properly discharged and that the public interest is adequately protected. The establishment and functioning of the flight operations inspection division are laid down in the CASAS Flight Operations Handbook(s). Close co-ordination will be required by all sections within the Operations inspectorate.
General responsebilities
Flight Operations division is responsible for conducting the required investigation preliminary to the awarding of the AOC and for exercising continuing surveillance and inspection of flight operations for the purpose of:
- Making recommendations to the Director CASAS regarding the issue of the AOC and the operator’s competence to continue to exercise the privileges of the certificate;
- Making recommendations to the Director CASAS concerning any special
conditions that may, in the light of the investigation, need to be imposed; - Informing the Director CASAS and the operator of any deficiencies
needing rectification; and - Making recommendations to the Director CASAS concerning appropriate
enforcement action.
Duties of Inspecting Staff
The primary function of the inspecting staff is to determine the operational level of safety; the operator is capable of achieving and does in fact achieve in actual operations. To do so, the major part of the Inspector’s work involves inspecting, assessing, reporting and making recommendations. Recommendations as well as criticism concerning operations observed must be based on fact – not on opinion – and be carefully documented. Any deficiencies noted by inspectors must be immediately directed to the attention of the personnel involved. Should necessary corrective action not be accomplished within a reasonable time (to be specified by the inspector), the matter must be reported to the Director for decision regarding possible restriction on operations or enforcement action against the operator or his employee(s).
In general inspectors are expected to accomplish the following tasks:
- Conduct routine inspections such as Station Facility, Base, Apron/Ramp, En-route and any other inspections, surveillance or checks considered necessary at prescribed intervals;
- Conduct such inspections or surveillance in accordance with an established annual
work plan and applicable standard procedures and instructions - Advise the operator, in writing, over both the Inspectors and Directors signatures of
any significant deficiency, requesting a proposal for remedial action; - Submit reports on each inspection or investigation in the manner prescribed and
complete and process the applicable forms; - Investigate and report as required concerning possible violations of the basic aviation
law or related safety regulations; - Continuously review operators pertinent documentation (e.g. Operations, Maintenance and Training Manuals) instructions and information to staff and the system of amendment to determine if they are accurate and made available in a timely manner to persons requiring/requesting it; and
- Keep appropriate Inspectorate staff informed on all aspects of the current operation and projected developments in the company including executive personnel, changes in assigned responsibilities or the operators organization in general.
- Carry out any other inspection/surveillance activity as may, form time to time, be
ordered by the Director.